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Kathleen Kara smashes SVT student completion record


Kathleen Kara smashes SVT student completion record


We've had a student complete their course in 4 months setting the SVT student completion record. We thought that this record would not be beaten, but thought wrong! Kathleen Kara from HC One successfully completed her ILM Level 7 NVQ Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership with SVT in 2 months. YES you heard it 2 months! Someone has definitely made good use of lockdown. Kathleen has smashed SVT's student completion record. Incredible accomplishment! If you need inspiration then this amazing student is the one to inspire you. Absolutely brilliant, a huge congrats from all of the team at SVT!

"I honestly can't believe I have completed my Level 7. I was hoping to be studying for longer, the support I have received has been great, Cheryl has been in contact with me throughout day and evening inc weekends. I have felt fully supported, I thank you for supporting me to get my Level 7. Much appreciated."